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Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up


A holistic approach to wellness and performance designed to support and challenge you

in the ways you need it most.

Free Consultation

- 45-minute intake session


- Evaluate your current strengths, challenges, opportunities, and goals


- Identify concrete, practical changes that will lead to more energy, focus, passion, and productivity 

Lifestyle Assessment

- 72 hours of data via state-of-the-art Heat Rate Variability monitor

- Full-color PDF report with detailed analysis of stress levels, recovery, and physical activity


- Debrief coaching session to review analysis, identify limiting patterns, and learn alternative behaviors

Coaching Package

- Twelve weekly 50-minute sessions​ + 24/7 email support


- Learn tools and skills that will empower you to achieve your goals


- Bring more passion and purpose into your life and career

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