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I worked with Michael for 3 months. I highly recommend him as a life coach. In the past 3 months, I took away some very useful career/personal tips for my life.

I also felt that Michael's advice and guidance comes from a higher place of love and non-judgement. So I have had my fair share of experience of getting advice from professionals and healers who made me feel that I am not good enough. They would tell me that "you are too this, you are too that, you need to work on this, etc". Here is thing, if I am 100% perfect, then I wouldn't need their advice. There is a fine balance between "objective criticism/positive encouragement" and "judgement/negative criticism". 

To be honest, I was a pretty bad mentee. I rarely did my homework. And I always talked about the negative situations and people in my life that bothered me. Michael accepted everything.

Most importantly, he always motivated and encouraged me in a way that empowered me and added to my self confidence.

I believe a good coach is someone who can motivate and encourage you to be the best version of yourself without making you feel guilty, devalued, and not good enough. Its not about whether you are good enough or not. I really enjoyed working with Michael. I would definitely work with him again in the future.

- Wendy L, Operations Consultant


Attending a training with Michael is a deeply thoughtful and enriching experience. Unlike other trainings that may struggle to keep your attention, Michael incorporates concepts and practical strategies in ways that encourage you to examine his material and jump into it (sometimes literally!) with an open heart and mind to reach a greater level of understanding. Within just the first few minutes, it became clear that Michael is so truly devoted to not only this work, but to the lifelong study of the best ways to bring this work to others, both for professional and personal use. This devotion has paid off; he is an exciting and effective educator and someone I would confidently recommend to help others through his trainings and his practice.

- Sarah L, Program Director,

Michael's facilitation is rich and full of wisdom. I enjoyed the experience he designed and felt connected to the others in the space in a beautiful, comfortable way. He's presenting material of great relevance to the discomforts and alienation of modern life. I recommend his work highly.

- Schuyler B, Strategy Director & Founding Partner,

My experience with Michael was my first with a life coach. I was skeptical to begin with but was encouraged to pursue it and was intrigued after the initial free consultation. I am in a crossroad in my life, switching from law to teaching, which is daunting and stressful. Michael excelled at listening to my issues and dilemmas and provided constructive feedback and advice in how I should network with people and gain valuable information on my new career path while also being pro-active and taking small steps to figure out where my passion and desire within teaching truly lie. Although I have not yet reached my final goal I feel a lot more confident in the path that Michael helped me build.

- Thomas T, Educator

Working with Mike has been tremendously helpful and calming. At the beginning of our program I was harried, stressed, overworked and confused about my direction and path; and by the end I've become much more patient, accepting and strategic, all while increasing my own productivity.  Mike is the third person I've seen to help me process the fallout of my divorce in the last three years and has affected the most change by far, his techniques and practices have resonated with me much more fully than any before them. 

- Nick W, Entrepreneur

Michael is an exceptional individual bringing his many talents and abilities to his practice and profession. I have had the pleasure to have worked with Michael several times throughout the last couple of years. In each endeavor Michael provided strategic guidance and mentoring for the duration of the program. I would gladly and highly recommend Michael and his services.

- Pablo R, Freelance Media Consultant

Michael's [Cultivating Wholeness] workshop kicked me in the ass and made me commit my life to a cogent dream for the first time ever.

- Michael P, Creative Strategist

Michael has an uncanny ability to take spiritual technology from the world's great wisdom traditions and translate it into a secular practice. He knows the material well and presents it in an engaging way. Michael is a fabulous facilitator with inclusive, grounded and intelligent presence. He creates a powerful space of exploration and personal growth. His workshop was like a mini-retreat in the midst of a busy New York work week that allowed us to take time to care for ourselves, breathe deep and re-center.

Lainie Love Dalby, Transformational Catalyst and Soul Midwife,

As someone who works between fifty and sixty hours a week, the concept of a "work/life balance" just isn't practical. So much of my life takes place at work. And really, there's only one journey, and if I want it to be meaningful, I have to be present for all of it.


I'm very fortunate to have been exposed to valuable spiritual technology from the great wisdom traditions, but I've always struggled to put that technology into professional practice. Or better yet, re-think work so that it transforms into a place where spiritual technologies are both welcome and well-used.


Michael's workshop created a space where I could pause for a day and consider how my professional life could be more authentic to my whole journey. I'm not a stranger to meditation, but Michael showed me how important recovery time is in my work day and how small, structured moments of mindfulness can really impact my overall wellness. His workshop challenged me to embrace flexibility and adaptability as I negotiate my way through an environment that can be volatile and complex.

A large component of that challenge requires me to consider where I can be more curious and less set in my ways, especially when it comes to my own instincts and assumptions about where I work and with whom I work. I came out of the workshop with a better sense of where my journey is taking me, where it has been, and all the places in between.

- Chad Smyser, Director of Operations,

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